Oto Hudec

Visual artist, born 9.9.1981 in Kosice Slovakia, presently lives in Portugal, works in different countries. Graduated in the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia. At the time of the opening of his second individual exhibition “Paradise in State of Emergency” in KubikGallery, Oto Hudec is creating and producing several individual and collaboration projects. After doing interventions in the public space that combine painting and performance, “The Skier” in Porto, “The Night” in Valencia, “Regatta de Blanc” in London; now presents three wall pieces in three Slovak cities, ”Tatra 613-VB”, “Green Trabant” and “Battleship Aurora”, a contribution to the project “Voices From The Centre”. The participation on “Bienal Mercosul” in Brazil, under the show “Projectáveis”, included the video “Drawing for Filó” which gathers social, existential and historical issues. Also in the month of October, the partnership project, Van Driver made its premier with “Home” a public space intervention showing ecological and social concerns. Web:www.fishisflying.blogspot.com Email:oto.hudec@gmail.com